Alturki Holding has adopted an oversight structure that manages wholly owned subsidiaries according to each subsidiary level of performance and maturity. This is how it works:

The holding company has a board chaired by Mr. Khalid Ali Alturki. The board has also established certain committees such as the Audit Committee, and Remuneration & Nomination Committee.

Board committees


The Remuneration and Nomination committee is established to ensure that  reward policies support our performance culture, reflect business affordability and market needs and encourage employee accountability.

Committee Role:

  1. Recommend to the Board the nomination of candidates for the role of Board Member
  2. Approve the appointment and remuneration of senior executives directly reporting to the CEO
  3. Review and supervise the implementation of succession planning, ongoing development, and training of the Board members, and CEO direct reports
  4. Oversee the design of the performance management and remuneration system and its operation, and ensure that remuneration is appropriate and consistent with the company’s culture, its long-term business and strategy, its performance and market competitiveness as well as Talent Retention Strategies
  5. Monitor Senior Management performance and oversee the company’s Human Resource policies
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The Audit Committee performs oversight of the financial reporting process, the audit process, the system of internal controls and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Its responsibilities are:

  1. To review significant accounting and reporting matters and regulatory pronouncements to understand the potential impact on financial statements
  2. To review accounting policies and procedures and ensure that these are as per the requirements of applicable rules and regulations
  3. To review internal controls over financial reporting
  4. To be responsible for the appointment of external auditors and oversight of the work of the external auditor. It reviews the results of audit with management and external auditors
  5. To reviewsproposed audit approaches for internal audits. It reviews and approves the internal audit plan and handles co-ordination of the audit effort with internal audit staff.
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Investment Committee

The Committee is a board committee appointed and chaired by the President who defines its role and responsibilities, tenure and authority. Committee members elected by the Chairman of the Committee. 

The Committee role and responsibilities includes the following: 
  • Approve the investment strategy and policy 
  • Reviewing the investment strategy and policy regularly to ensure consistency with changes that may occur in the external environment in which the company operates, legislation regulating business, or strategic objectives or otherwise, and recommending to the Board proposed changes. 
  • Overseeing company investment activities and establishing appropriate processes for measuring and assessing investment performance. 
  • Studying and evaluating the investment opportunities proposed regarding the following transactions and making appropriate recommendations: 
    • Mergers or acquisitions of companies, businesses, or assets. 
    • Any termination, sale, transfer of ownership, exit, or disposition of an existing investment. 
    • Joint ventures 
    • Investment opportunities in new businesses or sector
    • Venture Capital or Private Equity investments 
  • Prioritizing investment opportunities 
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Sustainability Risk, Opportunities, and Resilience (SROaR) Committee

The Sustainability Risk, Opportunities, and Resilience (SROaR) Committee at Alturki Holding was formed in June 2023, out of our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement across all our businesses. This advisory committee plays a key role in embedding sustainability into our operations, guiding our sustainability strategy and integration roadmap. The SROaR Committee ensures that we adhere to best practices while safeguarding our future and sustaining our growth.


Main Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Review and propose the Sustainability Strategy to the Board for approval.
  • Assess the company’s response to environmental and social risks, with a focus on climate risks and opportunities.
  • Oversee the transformation to manage financial risks and integrate necessary business processes.
  • Monitor the implementation of major sustainability initiatives.
  • Review sustainability performance incentives before presenting them to the Remuneration Committee.
  • Advise the Board on the company’s climate risk appetite and tolerance.
  • Oversee the development and achievement of science-based carbon emission targets, including approval of offsetting plans.
  • Evaluate and propose new sustainability targets for Board approval.
  • Collaborate with the Audit Committee to ensure alignment with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board guidelines.


Committee Members:

Gary Parke, Chair: Strategic Advisor to the Board and Chairman of the Investment Committee
Martin Mellish: Board Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee
Peter Hoddinott: Advisor to the Committee
James Cameron; Advisor to the Committee
Ahmad Almubarak; Chief of Staff

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Management Committees

Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Committee

Established in October 2023, the HSE committee is dedicated to advancing its purpose of continually prioritizing the protection of its people and surroundings, through its steadfast commitment to health, safety, and environmental stewardship. As a collective Group, we recognize that the well-being of every individual in our organization, and the environments in which they operate in, are foundational to prosperity and sustainable development.

The committee ensures that our shared values are translated into daily practices, fostering a culture where health, safety and environmental stewardship are more than just words—they are integral to our operations and to the heart of our collective purpose.

Main Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Define clear HSE objectives, monitor performance, and continuously enhance processes and service quality.
  • Ensure all employees and contractors receive proper training and adhere to safe work practices.
  • Conduct regular safety inspections to identify, address, and minimize health hazards and unsafe conditions.
  • Prioritize HSE policies and standards as the foundation of our operations.
  • Develop and maintain contingency plans to effectively respond to and recover from crises.
  • Promote and protect the health, safety, and well-being of our people across all organizational activities.


Committee Members:
The committee is chaired by the President and CEO of Alturki Holding, Mr. Rami Alturki. And the members include representatives from each of our subsidiaries.

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Employee login

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