Alturki Holding Concludes Alturki Talks 2024 in Collaboration with IE University

Jun 11, 2024


Alturki Holding announces the successful conclusion of its annual event, "Alturki Talks 2024," in collaboration with IE University. This series of educational sessions is designed to provide employees with exchange of knowledge and experiences across various sectors.

After two years of virtual sessions, this year marked a shift to in-person gatherings, infusing the initiative with renewed energy and interaction. "Alturki Talks 2024" featured a diverse array of market-relevant topics and insights specific to the group's business, delivered by distinguished experts with extensive academic and professional experience. The topics were carefully selected based on the CEO's priorities, highlighting the importance of achieving operational excellence, delivering profitable growth, embedding sustainable practices, and building strong brands. Across four sessions, over 100 participants engaged with the material, reflecting the strong interest and commitment of the attendees.

Below is a recap of the four sessions of Alturki Talks 2024:

Session 1:
The first session explored cutting-edge consumer behavior trends and AI tools for daily work, led by Prof. Antonio Gonzalez Fernandez from IE University. Attendees gained valuable insights into the latest developments in consumer behavior and the practical application of AI in the workplace.

Session 2:
This interactive session, led by Alberto Levy, a member of the Forbes Business Council, focused on key soft skills and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. Participants learned to boost collaboration, adaptability, leadership, and customer focus, essential for driving operational excellence. The session concluded with a critical thinking challenge inspired by the US Navy, enhancing decision-making, teamwork, and resource prioritization skills.

Session 3:
Conducted by Professor Lucia Egea, this session emphasized the importance of an entrepreneurial mindset to drive positive financial impact. In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, cultivating an entrepreneurial approach is crucial for sustainable growth and value creation. Participants explored strategies for client-centricity, innovation, and financial management through an interactive format that included workshops and activities.

Session 4:
Professor Emile Strunc led the final session, focusing on sustainability in strategic business. The session covered topics such as integrating sustainability into core business strategies, developing inclusive approaches that benefit all stakeholders, and optimizing resource management to support environmental goals.

Alturki Holding is dedicated to sustaining this educational initiative in the years to come and eagerly anticipates further collaboration with prestigious institutions like IE University. Through these partnerships, Alturki Holding aims to provide cutting-edge knowledge and host globally recognized experts, empowering its employees to excel in their professional careers.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to IE University and all participants for making this program a remarkable success.


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