New era of investment in synthetic biology and health technology

Aug 16, 2020


Alturki Holding recognizes the importance of investment in synthetic biology and health technology. As a result, we recently invested in Civilization Ventures, a leading U.S.-based fund that actively invests in innovative medical diagnostics, digital and health technologies.

“We are excited by the possibilities that investing in Civilization Ventures provides to improve the quality of people’s lives,” said Eyad Ramlawi, Vice President & Chief Investment Officer. “We are confident that the fund will be responsible for technology advances that will improve the quality of life for millions of people the world round and create long-term, sustainable value for our shareholders.”

Alturki has evolved in step with the development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over the last 45 years. With our core businesses in construction and building materials, we have participated in many of the largest industrial and infrastructure projects in the country. Investing in synthetic biology is a new area in Alturki Holding’s portfolio in its drive to invest in attractive, new technologies and build a portfolio of businesses that create long-term shareholder value while adding real value to the societies in which we operate.


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