Rami Alturki President and CEO of Alturki Holding assigned as a member of the board of director of the Saudi Standards, Meteorology and Quality Organization

Jan 06, 2017


We are delighted to announce the assigning of Mr. Rami Alturki the CEO and President of Alturki Holding as a board of directors member in the Saudi Standards, Meteorology and Quality Organization (SASO). A decision has been issued during the Saudi Council of Ministers’ session held on Monday 21, 11 and 2016 in Riyadh to assign Alturki. This appointment will be valid for three years from the date of issuance.

The Saudi Standards, Meteorology and Quality Organization was established to execute tasks related to standards, metrology and quality. The organization contributes to the national economy by ensuring the highest standards are applied to goods, products and services, which assures a better consumer experience.
Alturki’s expertise make him a valuable addition to the organization. He is the CEO and president of Alturki Holding and the CEO of Saudi Readymix,. Furthermore, he has been an active and an influential member of several other committees in Saudi Arabia and abroad, such as the Chairman of the National Readymix subcommittee, a member of the Industrial Committees at the Asharqia Chamber, amongst many other positions.

We congratulate Rami Alturki for his new assignment. His experience, efforts, and enthusiasm will certainly facilitate SASO board efforts in achieving their objectives and being a leading scientific reference body in the fields of standardization and conformity assessment.


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