Rami Alturki, President & CEO of Alturki Holding joins the Board of the Saudi Food Bank (Itaam)

Mar 20, 2018


Khalid Ali Alturki & Sons Company announced the joining of its President & CEO Mr. Rami Khalid Alturki to the board of the Saudi Food Bank (Itaam), a non-profit organization based in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The organization is a recipient of many awards in recognition of its impact on the society of the Eastern Province such as the Al-Subaie Award for Excellence in Charitable Actions and the Arabian Award for the best Social Initiative. It is paving the way for other cities to take lead and tackle the problem of wasting food.

The differentiating factor in Itaam is its commitment to carrying forward the initiative through training volunteers, running campaigns, sponsoring events, while also facilitating jobs for the less fortunate. One of their goals is to motivate the community and especially the youth to participate in the betterment of society.
Mr. Rami Alturki will surely be a great addition to the board where he can contribute his philanthropic expertise acquired by working with organizations such as Mentor Arabia, Dhahran Ahliyya Schools, the Arab Forum for Environment Development, Smile Train and more.
Itaam is a non-profit organization that specializes in the preservation of food surplus and feeding the less fortunate in a clean, presentable and professional way. It was founded as an initiative by a group of businessmen based in Khobar in an effort to preserve food & become a leading example of food banks in the rest of Saudi Arabia and the world.


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