Athar Community Impact Program

Partnering with the community to support sustainable development and inclusion.

We believe in empowerment through the following fields:

  • Education
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Women Empowerment
  • Health & Wellbeing


Submit your proposal

Eligibility conditions:

  • Programs and activities must be conducted by an official agency or entity that is registered with the Saudi government
  • The submitted application must be authorized by the requesting agency or entity to apply for support
  • The support application must include a bank account that is held under the agency or entity’s official name
  • The program being submitted for support must fall within the field of expertise of the agency or entity requesting the support
  • The program activity and the field of expertise of the entity requesting the support must fall within the sustainability strategy of Alturki Holding
  • The support application must include a complete, detailed program plan that includes three phases: pre-program (preparation), implementation (during the program) and follow up (post program)
  • The agency or entity conducting the program must submit a final report that includes details from the activity
  • Priority will be given to those programs, agencies and entities that are considered by Alturki Holding to have the most likely positive impact on the participants or ultimate recipients of the support
  • Submittal of a support application request does not entitle to claim support or any special considerations from Alturki Holding
  • The applicant on each support application that meets the above criteria will receive an official acceptance or decline support notice



Employee login

This channel allows employees to access four different service levels